1. Find a poem you want to learn on the Internet
2. Copy and paste it into the text box
3. Push the button "Go"
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We recommend to tell yourself the poem a couple of times for quick check.
Learn another poemWhat has happened?
All the lines are mixed up and now it is not clear which of them was first and which was the last one.
Please help to restore the order in your poem.
Simply click on the lines in the right order: initially the first line, then the second...
The task will be considered as accomplished when you restore the order twice in a row without a single error.
Lines mixed more than ever.
Restore the order in your poem.
Simply click on the lines in the right order: initially the first line, then the second...
The task will be considered as accomplished when you restore the order twice in a row without a single error.
And now in run
Actually we pinpointed how quickly you put things in order.
Now place lines correctly for your best time.
This must be done twice in a row.
To thrill you, the countdown will be executed at the top.
The countdown will start as soon as you select the first line.
Where are the words?!
Well, line order is all right now.
But the words fell out and mixed.
You have to put things in order again. Do it twice in a row without errors.
At least now no one is counting the time.
Not again!
The words mixed up even further.
You have to put things in order again.
Two times in a row without error - and you're done with this level!
The last level
It has become better.
But clocks are ticking over you.
Two times in a row without mistakes -poem is learned!
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